Bare Metal Servers

Bare Metal Servers

MetaCloud Bare-metal or Dedicated Physical Servers have a single ‘tenant’. This means only you are taking the resources of the server. The server belongs to you and you only. The server’s tenant can optimize the server according to its needs for performance, security, and reliability.

This is totally different from a hypervisor or cloud server, where multiple users reside on the same physical server by sharing storage, computing, and other resources.

Single tenancy allows you to avoid the noisy neighbor effect, which is described as a user impacting the performance and stability of other users within the same server. With bare metal, since you are the sole user, you will not witness the noisy neighbor effect.

A bare metal server installed with a hypervisor provides the user with a management suite to create virtual machines on the server. The hypervisor should not run applications natively, rather, its purpose is to virtualize your workloads into separate virtual machines to gain the flexibility and reliability of virtualization.

Bare metal servers are also known as single-tenant physical servers or managed dedicated servers.

On a bare metal server, the operating system is installed directly on the server, eliminating layers and delivering better performance. From a financial perspective, the bare metal server is typically billed per month. This means no surprise on your bill at the end of the month.

Benefits of MetaCloud Bare Metal Servers

Highly Reliable

All the features of MetaCloud's highly reliable data center, with 99.995% uptime, ensure a smooth and uninterrupted service.

Optimized Performance

A single-tenant dedicated physical server’s resources can be optimized for distinctive workloads meeting the required performance levels.

Cost Efficiency

Utility-style metering keeps your cost under control besides all the savings of colocation.


A single-tenant server isolates your data and applications as compared to the shared virtual server.